Thursday, January 5, 2012

New New Year's resolution

Even though organizing my craft area was my resolution that I was able to accomplish, I have decided that maybe a long term resolution should be my resolution.  I am going to kick myself in the middle of summer, but my goal is to read a novel a week for one year.  I am going to keep track on this blog the books I have read in a category off to the side labeled 52 Weeks of Books.  I would love any book recommendations anyone has for me!!  I am already ahead of my goal and am on my second book of the week.  I started The Hunger Games on Sunday and am now onto the sequel Catching Fire.  These books are awesome and there is a movie in the works.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Break is Over. I'm Not Sad.

This has been a quick, but long Christmas break for the kids and I. There has been laughing, crying, fighting, nursing, organizing, creating and good food. Let's recap....we were out of school the week before Christmas. This wasn't too bad, the kids fought, I screamed, we shopped, my husband got older and then we got to spend the end of that week enjoying Christmas. We started off the weekend with a Friday night Christmas celebration with the in-laws. It was also husband's birthday, so we celebrated that by setting his cake ablaze and wishing for him that all those candles didn't burn down the house.
Christmas Eve was next.  The kiddos were out of the house, so we spent the day wrapping, cooking and crafting.  I left the husband to wrap all of the presents.  I checked on him about half way through only to discover that he had tired of wrapping and had started combining presents and wrapping them together to consolidate.  I may have yelled. 
This is also the day I created Picollo the Fox and Lolli the Lamb.  That fox fabric was a killer.  My sewing machine definitely yelled.
Onto Christmas Day.  Lovely, but busy day filled with family. My son is not a fan of crowds, and Grandpa's house was full, so he spent the afternoon hiding in a corner, under a coffee table, creating lego things.  Various relatives would bring him bread from time to time to keep him going.  We came home that night to a house that looked like it had exploded. 
Now onto the last week of Christmas break.  Tuesday, my dog Ted was scheduled to go under the knife.  He had produced a growth on his noggin and was resembling a unicorn.  The surgery went well although Dr. Bob was puzzled as to what the growth was, so we are awaiting the results of a very expensive analysis of the mystery growth (wish Ted luck.)  I also learned, but may have already known that Ted is fat.  He has always looked a little on the portly side, but a lot of that is hair.  Ted is the definition of a furball. The paperwork from the vet confirmed that there has been some definite weight gain and Ted's waddle is definitely more pronounced.  Ted is due for shots in March, my goal is to whip him into fighting shape by then.  I wonder if you can download the IFit app for a dog?
The rest of the week was a blur of cleaning, sewing, playing and more fighting.  We are now onto Monday, the last day of break.  Wish I could say we will be going out with a bang, but not so much.  At least the kids are happy.  My daughter is teaching my son to sew, my dog is recovering, my husband is glued to the history channel and I am sitting here typing and enjoying the beautiful sunny day out of my desk window. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Now What Should I Do With All These Days Ahead of Me?

I asked my kids what their New Year's resolutions were? They are 6 and 7, so this concept is a little over their heads. I got something like get lots of new toys and to go to a waterpark. If only life were that simple. I've never been too big on resolutions, but maybe something like organize my craft area would be a good place to start.   This place is a wreck!  I actually stole my husbands nice large desk and made it my "craft room" so I could get everything out of my poor kitchen. I love organization, but have a terrible time finding the actual time to do it. I have found these amazing organizing shelves at costco recently and my house now has one in almost every room. You pop the shelves together in whatever way you want, and voila, instant organization. So, I have one of these shelves waiting in the back of my car and I am now going to put it to good use.  Stay tuned....

Before and After. Yahhhhhoooooo!!!!

The craft room is officially organized.

I have followed through with a New Year's resolution.  Now, to just keep it that way.